by mattysthoughts


Dearest Mittens:

 I could only imagine what you are feeling right now, loosing, its just not something you are used to.  I also wonder if you ever thought of the people whom you put out of business?  Did you ever think of all the jobs you did away with?  Did you ever think of the lives you ruined by your company “whatever capitol” by off shoring jobs, lying to shareholders, and then buying an electronic voting company when your running for the highest office in the world? Can you say CONFLICT OF INTEREST? 

Take what you are feeling, and times it by about 1 million, and you will know what it feels like to loose what you loved, what you worked for, and what you wanted most. 

I believe that sometimes the universe gets it right, it shits right where it should, and tonight it shit all over you, the universe did in fact get it right.  I hope the universe had plenty of fiber the past few days so it was a really good shit. 

Your ideas, and your five points plan were nothing more than smoke and mirrors, used as a way to scare the ageing, scare the poor, and secure the votes of the 47% that are victims (did you not think that would go public???)  NEWS FLASH it all back fired on you, you paid the ultimate price, and that’s being a total asshole who thinks ones shit does not stink, when in reality yours smells so bad that NO ONE wants to deal with it.

Tonight as I go to sleep I will say a little prayer that maybe a fucking house will fall from the sky and land on your head, and maybe the head of that helmet head hair wife of yours, and then, maybe then, you will concede that you LOST. 


Matthew Ellis

Gay, Married to a man, liberal, and part of the 1%, and willing to pay more in taxes if it helps to give others opportunities. 

P.S.  How are the binders full of woman treating you now?