Obama Care – An Open Letter To John Boehner

by mattysthoughts



June 28, 2012


John Boehner – Speaker of The House

H-232 The Capitol

Washington, DC 20515


RE:  Health Care Supreme Court Ruling


Dear Dip Shit:


Yeah that’s you.  I love that one of the freedoms I have in this country is free speech.  You are the speaker of the house, yet you act like a spoiled child.  Today when I turned on “NPR,” you know the liberal radio station that people like you hate, what did I hear?  I heard your voice whining because you didn’t get your way with Obama care.  TO BAD!


Let me remind you of a few key things:


  1. You are not the decider (that was Bush Jr, he was a dip shit as well)
  2. You have the best healthcare in America, so what is your beef with the uninsured being able to have healthcare?  Is this a control thing for you? 
  3. You constantly bash our President, you know Obama, the man whom has more power than you will ever have.  Just stop it, play nicer, don’t be an asshole to everyone when you don’t get your way.
  4. The uninsured in this country deserve to have healthcare. They deserve to not have to use ER’s as primary care, and they deserve to not have to worry if they are hit with a major illness that they will loose everything.


One final note – I pay a shit pile of taxes to live in the land of the free, and I am sure I pay more in taxes in one year than you do in 10 years.  If someone like me who pays enough to support a third would country is ok with providing healthcare for the uninsured then you need to be ok with it as well.  Frankly if it means my taxes have to go up even 5% for citizens and those living in our country to have healthcare then I am fine with it.  I personally just think you are just mad that your small little brain didn’t come up with solving healthcare in this country.  Is Obama’s plan perfect? No.  Is it better than we have now?  Yes. 


Either get a grip and get on board, or get ready to loose the speaker of the house title because America is pissed off at politicians like you.


Here is hoping you loose your healthcare and need Obama care.


 Matthew E. Ellis